Thursday, November 27, 2008

The weekends.

Hey all. How’s life? I’m good, but just a little bored here. The school holiday’s on and I’ve got a whole lot of time to myself now (I don’t even know how else to kill time before school reopens next year!). Nothing much has been going on for me as you could perhaps have guessed. Attended a talk on Muslim sects last Friday night (if you consider Friday a part of the weekend, that is), and that was all. The talk was good though - well-delivered and very interesting. But this weekend, nothing’s on (my schedule) yet.

The other day, Kylie Minogue, the renowned Aussie pop singer, was in the city-state. She was here for her concert tour, KylieX2008, and I had wanted to go and see her perform. But 2 months back (or so) when I checked out the sale of tickets online, I had found that the S$100 tickets were already sold out, and what was left was just the S$350 (??) or more expensive ones. Didn’t want to pay S$350 for just a concert ticket as I think it’s not worth it, would rather spend the money elsewhere or on something better, so had to give KylieX2008 a miss!

On a slightly different update however, whilst shopping in Metro department store with Kenji for his additional work shirt and pants the other day, I saw a really huge stuffed toy dog for sale. Nothing tragic happened actually, I just thought of buying the stuffed toy dog for Hasan. My siblings’ home has been burgled recently, and Hasan’s been all traumatized since then, and so I thought I should buy Hasan the stuffed toy dog but not too sure how bringing it home and giving it to him or sending it to him via post will all work, because it’s just too huge. I told mom that my siblings probably needed a dog (a real one!!) as an anti-burglary move. But I don’t know how far my suggestion’s been accepted by ‘the other people’, really. Negative probably, that is why a stuffed toy dog would do. :)

Anyhow back to the weekend updates, I don’t know what I’ll be doing this weekend but perhaps I’ll just stay home and spend my time watching House DvD with Kenji and/or clean the apartment. Weather here hasn’t been too good for anything outdoors too anyway - been raining like crazy with lightning and thunderstorms for an hour or two, or just too hot and humid I could really drench in my own sweat! So yeah, perhaps I’ll just stay home this weekend. So how about you - anything up this Saturday and Sunday??

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