Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Been working, using a mobile and talking to Kenji.

Soon I will be off to Orchard for some shopping. But before I do that I guess I’d just squeeze a bit of my time to fill you in on what I have been up to recently. So here goes:

For the past few weeks, I have been working. I have been back working as a relief teacher at a public primary school I used to teach at about 7 years ago. So far the subjects I have been asked to teach include English language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music and Health Education, and I tell you, it really felt good to be back teaching children. Unlike in 2006 when I was teaching all levels Geography on a long term basis at a neighborhood secondary school though, this time I am only teaching on a daily basis, hence I could be working today but not the next (as it depends on whether the school needs me, really) thus my job is rather irregular and my monthly wage varies. Then again the daily relief seems to suit well with Kenji’s odd work schedule so I am just happy with it.

Speaking of daily relief teaching reminds me of yet another set of news I would like to include here: I am finally using a mobile phone!! Yeah, I can’t believe it, after some two good peaceful years of no pointless money-wasting and preposterous mobile habit, I am back to using a mobile phone! Well, blame it on the daily basis relief teaching that I am doing now, it kind of pushes me to have one. Bugger! So since the first teaching assignment this year, unfortunately (or fortunately for most sick people) I have been contact-able via mobile phone.

On other news, Kenji and I have been talking about some plans we have in mind for the year. There were many things that we talked about, some of which were concerning work, living abroad, and moving out of the flat, but basically it’s about where we go, what we do and who we see this year. Despite talking about the plans, there aren't many things about them that we can do at this time actually because many things are still unsettled. For one, Kenji’s management is having a big change soon, so Kenji and I will have to wait until things at his workplace get more organized before we can really find out where our plans fit.

Lastly, we're having a visitor at our place sometime next week. Our friend from uni, Joel, is coming to Singapore! He is scheduled to be here beginning the end of the month. Throughout his one-week stay in the country, he will be putting up at our flat. This reminds me, I have to prepare his room real soon. But I also got news from another uni friend, Abby, saying that she is coming to Singapore as well. Her being here seems only for a short while but one that coincides with that of Joel’s. And for that, I was thinking, we can all perhaps meet up some day (since we all know each other) but I don’t know yet. Will see how things go. In the meantime I am just keeping my fingers crossed. I hope that things will all go well and that I will get to see Abby despite the relief teaching and (maybe) getting all preoccupied with Joel's presence.

So that's it. Nothing much to digest, really. Anyway, I must go. Will be off to Orchard soon for some shopping. But will try to keep you posted when back so do stay tuned.

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